Tuesday, September 1, 2020



1kg Ikan Belanak or Mullet fish, scaled, gutted and heads removed
3/4 cup salted black beans, washed d drained dry
3/4 cup light soya sauce, salt reduced
3 tbsp sugar
3/4 cup water
Oil for deep-frying

1. Heat oil in a wok n fry fish until crispy and dry inside out using low fire. Keep aside.

2. Heat a pot and cook sugar in medium fire until sugar turn to caramel. Add water and soy sauce.
4. Add fried fish and black beans. Bring to boil n stew fish in low fire for about 1 hour.

5. Serve with plain teochew rice porridge cooked with sweet potatoes or pumpkin.
6. Alternatively you can bottle the fish with the black beans sauce, put the lids on and steam for 1 hr to vacuum packed them. I pack about 5 small fish in each bottle.
They will keep indefinitely for at least 6 mths to a year or longer if in the fridge.

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