Monday, August 31, 2020


300g French beans, topped & tailed
3 tbsp minced pork/chicken
1 tbsp dried prawns, chopped
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/4 cup water mixed with 1 tspn corn flour
1 stalk spring onions, chopped
Oil for deep frying
Sauce ingredients: 2 tspn malted, black rice vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbspn light soy sauce, 1 tspn black soy sauce, salt to taste, 1/2 cup water
1) Heat up oil for deep frying until smoking. Very quickly deep-fry french beans until skin blisters, about 1 minute. Remove and drain.
2) Cut fried beans into two. Leave aside.
3) Leave about 2 tbspn oil in the wok. Fry minced garlic and prawns until garlic is lightly brown.m n dried prawns are fragrant.
4) Add in sauce ingredients, cover and let it simmer for about 1-2?minutes or water has reduced by half.
5) Stir in cornflour mixture n let sauce thickens.
6) Add in fried french beans n spring onions.
7) Toss to mix well; remove and place on serving plate.

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