Thursday, November 21, 2013

Indonesian Soto Daging (Indonesian Beef noodles)


500 g Beef Brisket or Shin
500 g Omasum tripe (Chinese: 牛百頁 / 牛柏葉) *
300 g Beef tendon
1 large piece leg bone with marrow
3 litre water
salt & pepper to taste

1 kg dried rice vermicelli, soake and blanch

For soup broth:
6-8 shallots
2 pips garlic
1" knob turmeric (kunyit/ 姜黄) or 1/2 tspn turmeric powder
1" knob fresh ginger, sliced
1" knob galangale (lengkuas/ 南薑),sliced
1 lemon grass,about 4" length (serai/ 香茅草),bruised

Spices Ingredients:
4 tbspn coriander (ketumbar) seeds
2 whole star anise (bunga lawang)
4 cardamon seed pods (buah pelaga)
1" cinnamon stick (kayu manis)
1 tspn Cumin seeds (jintan putih)
1 tspn fennel seeds (jintan manis)
1 nutmeg (buah pala), shell removed and crush seed

For garnishing:
500 g beansprouts,blanced
1 medium cucumber, julienne
150 g chinese celery, sliced
200 g browned shallot crisps
5 limes or calamansi, halved
some birds chillies
Tobasco Sauce*

1.  Prepare a stockpot and put to boil 4 litres of water.
2.  In a food processor or mortar & pestle, grind the shallots, garlic and turmeric root to form a paste.
3.  Heat up 3 tbspn cooking oilin a pan and fry the grounded shallots in (2) until fragrant. Transfer to boiling water. Add the sliced ginger and galangale into the water.
4.  In a pan, fry the spices in medium fire until fragrant. Put to grind or pound coarsely. Put these into a muslin bag or a large-enough stainless-steel tea leaves infuser (see photo below). Add this to the boiling pot of water.

5.  When water comes to a boil again, add the meat, omasum, tendon and bone.  Simmer until meat is soft. The omasum and tendon will take longer to soften. Remove from stock and keep covered until ready to eat.
6.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
7.  Slice the cooked beef meat,omasum and tendon into bite size pieces.

8.  To serve, put a handful of rice vermicelli into a medium bowl. Add some sliced meat, omasum or tendon, julienne of cucumber and blanced beansprouts. Ladle in the stock broth and garnish with brown shallot crisps and chinese celery.
9.  To be eaten with a squeeze of lime/calamansi juice and cut birds chillis or Tobasco sauce as a dip.

* Notes: Omasum tripe is also called leaf tripe. See photo below:

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